
"KC" Cearley
A Rising Star In Graham Washington
Graham, Washington is known for it's spectacular views of Mt Rainier and spectacular fastpitch softball players. I had the pleasure of training some very good players in the Graham and Puyallup area over the past 5 years. One of it's legends will be leaving soon and making room for the next, possible High School greats and the next legend. What makes a legend? Ask any big college recruiter or coach and they will tell you someone with dedication to fastpitch and growing in their position, with determination to win and being a dependable person. A player that can be counted on time and time again in all areas of fastpitch on and off the field. Kelsey Cearley is a rising star in Graham,WA. Now pitching for Sudden Impact 14u.
I really did not know what to expect from day 1 training Kelsey as a pitcher 2 years ago. Let's just say she was unasuming. Very small in size for her age group, 11 at the time. KC had a work ethic you're not used to seeing in a beginning pitcher back then. In less than 6 months she went from learning how to throw a fastball for location, "spot", to winning several championships with her team Sudden Impact 12u. That's not supposed to happen, its rare. Sudden Impact became a dominant force overnight. The parents started with 2 players and built the team from there, holding tryouts and recruiting local fastpitch trainers to send their top players their way. " I think she likes it? One thing she is good at is learning new things. KC likes to be active and wants to be the one in the spotlight, especially at home challenging her older sister Kayla and everyone in the house at everything. Kayla was the first to play softball then KC, sais dad Terry. KC has performed excellent in the spotlight for Sudden Impact the last two seasons. What I am enjoying the most as her Pitching Coach is KC's ability to learn new grips and pitches or "tweek" an existing pitch to make it better. Not every pitcher has that ability at her age and level."
Now in 2009 KC is doing it all again...pitching,hitting,slap-hitting. At the 2009 Ice Breaker Tournament, KC pitched a no-hitter and drove in RBI's as a slap hitter winning 15-1 in her first game!
Slap Hitting does 3 important things for your offense; 1. Creates RBI's when runners in scoring position. 2. Puts pressure on the Defense, 3. Put runners on 1st base that have speed.
- Coach Adam
Slap Hitting is Strategic. Here is a strategy that can be used when the front of the box line is not visible. Here in the video, this slapper gets away with an illegal front foot placement and gets on base.
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