Hard Worker
Honor Student
A Catcher
A Hitter

2007 was a year of "finding talent" in the Fife Milton area for fastpitch players to come out of the Little League division and try-out for Junior Olympics in ASA/NSA Fastpitch. Then it was not long before Audrey and her parents were invited to come out to join a pick-up game with Sudden Impact 12u. After getting noticed, Coach Raj Bains asked Audrey to think about joining the team. Not long after, Audrey was playing Junior Olympic softball. After a couple months of practices, the team played in a few season openers and won Championships. To become a champion softball player in ASA/NSA takes alot of work,falling down and picking yourself back up, never giving up and trusting your coaches and teammates. With 2008 now underway, Audrey has dedicated herself to quality training with her Team coaches and coach Adam at the Tacoma Soccer and Fastpitch Center where she has developed her own hitting technique and has a bigger bat. "I see Audrey wanting to learn about hitting so she can dedicate herself to her team more as a hitter and starting catcher. It was difficult for Audrey to overcome an intensive hitting program we provide for serious teams and players at the Fastpitch Center. Fun is the reward for hard work and discipline that the player puts in. Because they get to experience the results after winning a few games and a championship or two. Leaders will grow out from those experiences. I treat everyone the same, nobody gets special treatment or favors. Simply put, if you don't want to get better or train hard, you won't be training in our Fastpitch Academy. There is a place for average performers. Just not here. Once Audrey realized what her dad Jason asked of her to do her best at training camp, she just kept taking it all in and then delivering. Averaging extra base hits and a couple triples in her last few games last month. I like to think that Audrey has natural ability and instinct. She can make a big hit look easy. There's alot of work that goes into a serious/intense hitting program. Easy, it is not. If the young ladies can take the pressure to perform at camp then they can use that new skill anytime they go out and compete. I like to tell them it gets easier." -coach Adam
1 comment:
Thanks for forwarding the blog on Audrey.
We appreciate your opinion on her skills and your support of her as an athlete. She has come a long way in a short amount of time and you have certainly helped with her hitting and with her confidence when in a game atmosphere.
Jason and Tammy Birklid
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