Friday, April 24, 2009

Strong Defensive Mechanics

Strong Defense Mechanics

“No Matter What-SoWhat”

By Coach Adam La Serna, LFA

“The biggest Key to Effective Fielding is Anticipation. The player that assumes the ball is being hit to her is a Confident defensive Fielder and is ready at all times, no matter what-so what.
Knowing what to do once a fielder receives the ball is just as important as knowing how to receive the ball properly. The Two Elements of Defending the Field of Play when combined is a vital force to oppose!”
– Coach Adam
1. Fast Smart First Step in the Drop-Step load.
2. Track the Ball using forward momentum.
3. Position the Body to Receive the ball.
4. Receive the ball Effectively and is in Position for Efficient Defensive Throwing with Proper Glove Travel.
5. Unload the ball quickly using Proper ball and glove Travel to the Throwing "Rolling C" Throwing Load.
6. Throws Properly to Receiver with Proper Mechanics.

1. Excellent Ready Position Posture.
2. Keep your feet moving before during and after receiving the ball for ground-leverage and enhanced center-of-gravity, Core Strength and Stability for making faster throws.
3. Use proper Upper body mechanics so that the core muscle load of the upper body can properly be/get used for Speed and Dynamic Kinetics.
4. Aggressive movement to the ball and “going all out no-matter-what-so what” confidence.

Tacoma Fastpitch Center
2610 Bay Street,Tacoma,WA
Google http://tacomafastpitchcenter

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